Monday, April 22, 2013

Baked Beans - Lillian G.

There are some really great tips for cooking with beans in this recipe.  Some I had heard before but forgot so I liked the way she explained some of them.  I am going to divide the instructions into general instructions for cooking dry beans and the actual recipe for the baked beans.  I am taking this for lunch to Grandpa's. 

General bean instructions in recipe:
1. They are never the same as I accumulate the makings as other people accumulate hash or stew.  We grow pioneer pink eye beans.  See me for seed to grow your own, or use a white bean. (I don't think I will be seeing her for bean seed, I HOPE NOT SOON!  I just used white dry beans (black eyed peas that I had).
2. Remember, adding cold water or liquid to hot beans stops the cooking process so always add hot liquid unless you do not want the beans to be tender.
3. Pick over and sort out bad dry beans.  Wash remaining beans in water.
4. Generously cover beans with hot water and let soak overnight.  OR, Quick Soak Method.  Bring water and beans to boil, turn off heat and let stand for 1 hour.  Turn stove back on to low heat and let the beans simmer until as tender as you desire.  (She let hers cook to a mushy stage, I didn't).
5. Salt and tomato products toughen the skin so add these after the beans are cooked.
6. Using potato water with beans takes care of the discomfort some people get from eating beans.
These have really good flavor.  If I didn't have the convenience of modern day luxuries, this is a great recipe.  I would definitely double the spices.  I might even cut down on the potato water (to 2 cups) and replace it with tomato base of some kind.  The sweet pickle juice gives it the tangy flavor the vinegar in most recipes adds.  I was really surprised at how good they were.   I love baked beans when done right!

Baked Beans Lillian G.

The amounts are as written in the book.  I 2x's the Brown Sugar & Dry Mustard because it seemed too bland for my taste. I was right.
Prepare and cook beans as directed in General Bean instructions.  In baking pan mix:
4 Tbs. Brown Sugar or molasses                                  2  tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Dry Mustard                                                   1/2  tsp. Pepper
Humor part - Now rinse out all the ketchup bottles you have about used up, or use:
1 C. Ketchup                                                               1/3 C.  Sweet Pickle Juice (if you have it - I did)
approx. 1 qt.  Potato water.  I used potato water from my potato salad potatoes. 
2 cans. tomato sauce                                                    1 C.  Chopped Onion
All the potato water you drained from potatoes and stored in the refrigerator.  Use up any tomato juice or bottled tomatoes you have left over.
Add the beans and mix together. 
1/3 lb.  Bacon cut into approx 1" squares.  I placed them on uncooked_____________________
Add any ham bones or bacon rinds you cut off and saved.  Or put strips of bacon or a slice of ham on top. 
Bake for 4 hours or more.  I used my oven but a crock pot would work well if you cut back on some of the liquid and cooked the bacon ahead.  Baking in the oven evaporates the extra liquid and cooks the bacon.
Taste for salt.  You may need to add more.  Chopped onion may be added or a whole onion buried in the beans will add the same flavor.  If you don't have potato water, peel a potato and cook with the beans.  Good Luck


  1. I'm not sure I follow correctly whether you do or do not grow pioneer pink eye beans. If yes, you should connect with Caleb Warnock who is interested in preserving the strain. If no, Caleb has found them and has grown enough from his initial find to sell a few seeds last year and should have more this year. I grew a dozen plants this year and hope that the half pint of seed I saved from them will produce enough for eating next year. Here's the story:
