Monday, May 13, 2013

Kona Banana Bread - Ann W.

Why is the word "Kona" in the recipe?  It makes it sound like it should have pineapple or coconut in it.  This bread has wonderful flavor.  It is very moist and has great texture.  I turned the temperature lower than the original recipe because I was afraid it would burn on the outside.  (It would have.)  With the toothpick test it was cooked completely.  But as soon as I took it out of the you can see there is one small problem.  It sunk so far in the middle even though it was completely cooked that it looks pitiful.  Looking at the ingredients I think it should have more flour.  The sugar and flour are almost equal amounts.  After you add the moisture of the eggs, shortening and bananas it is just not stiff enough to hold a proper shape.  I would maybe try this again and just add an extra 1/4 to 1/3 C. more flour than listed.  Once again, how can you go wrong just using the old stand by.  Grandma Helen's still can't be beat!

Kona Banana Bread - Ann W.

1/2  C. Shortening                                                    1  1/4 C. Sifted Flour (add additional 1/4-1/3 C.)
1  C. Sugar                                                              3/4  tsp. Baking Soda
2  Eggs                                                                    1/2  tsp. Salt
3/4  C. Mashed Bananas                                        

Cream shortening and sugar until light.  Add eggs one at a time mixing well after each.  Mix in bananas.  Sift together dry ingredients and add to banana mixture.  Mix well.  Pour into a well greased or wax paper lined loaf pan.  Bake in moderate oven 325o F. 30 to 40 minutes.

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